Hospital Help Day 2024 is october 29th & 30th!
On October 30th we'll be joining 989 XFM for our 30th annual 98.9 XFM Hospital Help Day Radiothon in support of St. Martha's Regional Hospital. We'll be live on air & also you can find us at Antigonish Market Square.
Can’t join us on the 30th? We’ll be taking calls on the 29th from 4-8PM as well!
Give us a call! 902-867-6000 or tollfree 1-855-867-6004
The 2024 Hospital Help Day Raffle will help support the funding of a Dräger Babylog® VN800 Neonatal Intensive Care Ventilator! This advanced piece of equipment will be used by St. Martha’s Respiratory Therapy Team to support the smallest babies’ breathing, while protecting their fragile lungs and developing brain.
This equipment can help to reduce the number of respiratory complications and preventable deaths of babies requiring this intervention, while potentially allowing babies and families to stay in their local community and/or providing best practice care and stabilization prior to transport to the IWK.
We have some pretty awesome prizes for 2024!
Check them out below!
The 30th Anniversary was a huge success!
With a total of $83,660 raised!
An Amazing Day!
The 30th Annual 989 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle raised $83,660 for St. Martha’s Regional Hospital.
This years funds will support purchasing an instrument called the "MyoSure System". The MyoSure system is used by the Gynecological Surgical Team to perform a myomectomy or polypectomy, which is a simple hysteroscopic procedure that gets rid of unwanted tissue, such as fibroids and polyps, without having to remove or even cut the uterus. One huge benefit is that this system can help avoid a major surgery such as a hysterectomy! This is a big advancement in women's reproductive health and will be a great system for the surgical team here at St. Martha's!
Congratulations to our winners and a BIG Thank you to everyone who volunteered, purchased a ticket, sent well wishes and donated or sponsored a prize.
A very special thank you to Ken, Paul, Glenn and the team at 98.9 XFM!
Congratulations to the winners!
*Prize pack 1: Michelle White from Antigonish
*Prize pack 2: Ralph and Karen Stewart from Lochaber
*Prize pack 3: Mandy Bingley of Fisherman's Harbour
*Prize pack 4: Glenn, Larry and Wanda MacKeigan of Port Hastings,
*Prize pack 5: Dr PJ McKenna from Antigonish!
Some of our winners pictured with 989XFM Ken Farrell and SMRHF Chair Meghan MacGillivray Case
Hospital Help Day 2022 was a success!
The 29th Annual 989 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle raised a whopping $94,570 for St. Martha’s Regional Hospital. This years funds will support the renal dialysis unit at St. Martha’s and help provide essential upgrades to all of the dialysis treatment chairs!
Congratulations to our winners and a BIG Thank you to everyone who volunteered, purchased a ticket, sent well wishes and donated or sponsored a prize.
A very special thank you to Ken, Paul, Glenn and the team at 98.9 XFM.
Thank-you everyone, as without our community, none of this would be possible and we are so grateful!
The 2022 Winners are:
Prize Package #1 - $4000 Cash: Shiela MacNeil
Prize Package #2 - $2500 Cash: Mike Hart
Prize Package #3 - Winter Package: Pat & Melinda McKenna
Prize Package #4 - Summer Package: Terry MacDonald
Prize Package #5 - Shop Local Package: Steven Smith
Hospital Help Day 2021
Well, that’s a wrap folks. The 989 XFM Hospital Help Day 2021 has come and gone and with it, our most successful year yet. We set out to raise $80,000 to support the purchase of two new infant isolettes and thanks to your support, we raised a jaw-dropping $109,950! Thank you!
A special thank you to our partners, 98.9 XFM for their support. Without them, this event would not be possible and we owe them so much thanks. We’d also like to thank all of the local businesses that donated prizes, as well as the Town of Antigonish and the Municipality of the County of Antigonish for sponsoring prizes. We are so grateful for your continued support and dedication to the Foundation, and St. Martha’s Regional Hospital.
Finally, we want thank everyone who purchased a ticket for the draw. We had some incredible prize packages this year and were so excited for our lucky winners.
Cash Prize of $4,000 went to Foodland St. Peters. Representing the group in the photo was Shawna Martell, Brenda MacPherson & Sheila MacDonald
Cash Prize of $1000 went to Brenda & Rick Hanlon
The Winter Package went Bryan Smith
The Shop Local Package went to Eileen Neary
The Family Fun Package went to Janie Deon
Check out their big smiles below!
Featured with the winners are Meghan MacGillivray-Case, Chair of the Hospital Foundation and Ken Farrell, General Manager of 98.9 XFM.
Hospital Help Day 2020
L-R: Laurie Marchand, RN, Dr. Tania Sullivan and Melinda Crawford, RN
The 27th Annual 98.9 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle has come and gone and once again, it was a record-breaking year. In total, we raised $91,332, to go towards the purchase of a pediatric intubation system for the emergency department at St. Martha’s Regional Hospital. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, partners and local businesses, we were able to surpass our goal of $50,000, leaving funding to support other areas of greatest need within the hospital.
We are also very pleased to announce that the CMAC intubation system has arrived on site at St. Martha’s and will be available when needed to support some of our most venerable patients.
We want to extend a very special thank you to 98.9 XFM for their ongoing support and dedication of this very special event. Each member of the XFM team goes above and beyond to ensure the success of this event, and we are forever grateful.
A special congratulations to our winners! The Raffle has five incredible, community supported prizes filled with fun adventures, local treats, gift cards and merchandise. All either donated or sponsored!
Prize winners include:
· Cash Prize of $3,500 went to Paula MacIsaac of Giant’s Lake, NS.
· Cash Prize of $1000 went to Cindy MacLean of Whycocomagh, NS.
· The Winter Package went Carol English of Antigonish, NS.
· The Summer Package went to Linda MacDougall of Trenton, NS.
· The Shop Local Package went to Maryanne MacCoull of Tracadie, NS.
We want to once again thank everyone who purchased a ticket or donated a prize in support of the Raffle. Your ongoing support reminds us all that we truly are in this together. Thank you.
About Hospital Help Day
Outside of the Capital Campaign, the 989 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle is the Foundation’s largest fundraising event. With the amazing support afforded to the Foundation by our local business community and the generous support from Ken Farrell and the folks at 989 XFM, we are able to offer 5 prize packages that include cash, travel and many more exciting items.
The raffle is a telethon style event whereby tickets are sold over the phone over a 12-hour period, usually in late October. The event is aired in its entirety on 989 XFM. Walk-in ticket purchases are accepted between 8:30am and 6:00pm on the day of the event.
Since it’s inception, this event has raised over $1 million dollars to fund the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment for St. Martha’s Regional Hospital.
A raffle of this nature would not be possible without the incredible support of our volunteers. From answering phones, to organizing tickets to collecting prizes for the event, our volunteers are one of a kind and we’d be lost without them!
Winners of the 26th Annual 989 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle.
Photo Courtesy of XFM. Winners of the 25th Annual 989 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle were presented with their prizes at the Antigonish Market Square on Tuesday, October 30, 2018.
Hospital Help Day 2019
The 2019 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle was a great success raising over $71,000.00 for the purchase of an ultrasound machine for the Operating Room and our ICU. This new and innovative equipment allows St. Martha’s staff and physicians to stay on the cutting-edge of pain relief management, producing shorter recovery times and greater patient comfort after surgeries.
We thank XFM and all of our wonderful partners, sponsors and the public who support our many fundraising endeavors. We could not do this without you!
Hospital Help Day 2018
Last year’s 2018 XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle has drawn to a close but it was definitely one to remember! With your generous support, the Foundation was able to raise $66,190.00!
This year’s funds raised will support the purchase of a piece of equipment for the St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Ophthalmology department.
The St. Martha’s Regional Hospital wishes to thank all of our partners, supporters, volunteers, sponsors and donors for another incredible raffle.