St. Martha’s Regional Hospital
Photo Credit: James Smeaton Photography
It all started in 1906…
when the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha founded St. Martha’s Regional Hospital in the historic town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. St. Martha’s Regional Hospital supports residents from Antigonish, Guysborough, Inverness and Richmond Counties and is part of
Nova Scotia Health.
It is an acute care facility providing a range of primary and secondary services through inpatient, outpatient and satellite services.
Services and supports provided at St. Martha’s Regional Hospital include:
General Surgery
Cancer and Supportive Care
Internal Medicine
Palliative Care
Diagnostic Imaging
Laboratory Services
Mental Health Outpatient Services
Plastic Surgery
Geriatric Assessment and
Social Work
Emergency Services
Occupational Therapy
Spiritual and Religious Care
Otolaryngology (ENT: Ear Nose and Throat)
Volunteer Services
Dr. Tania Sullivan and team running a simulation. Photo credit: Doctors Nova Scotia
St. Martha’s Regional Hospital is an incredible place to work. It is surrounded by a beautiful community with a rich heritage, vibrant arts and cultural community, and is home to unbelievable resources such as Keppoch Mountain and some of the most beautiful beaches in the province.
Key Dates in the History of St. Martha’s Regional Hospital
1906: Six-bed cottage hospital opens.
1911: Harris House is purchased and the hospital expands to 20 beds. The hospital is now on the grounds of its permanent home.
1926: A 100-bed “state-of-the-art” brick hospital opens. St. Martha’s School of Nursing becomes affiliated with the St. Francis Xavier University permitting nursing students to obtain their Bachelor of Science Degree.
1932: The province’s Department of Health builds a 50-bed unit as an annex to combat TB.
1951: The new hospital wing was opened, bringing the bed capacity to 203.
1957: The Department of Health closes the TB unit.
1989: A new 175-bed building is built using funds raised through private fundraising efforts and government funds. The old hospital is demolished.
1990: The hospital restructures to house 75 beds as a result of cutbacks in government funding and a change in the way hospital services are delivered.
1996: The Eastern Regional Health Board assumes responsibility of the facility from the Sisters of St. Martha. A Mission Assurance Agreement is signed by the Sisters of St. Martha, the Eastern Regional Health Board and the Department of Health, ensuring the Catholic identity of St. Martha’s Regional Hospital.
2001: The Eastern Regional Health Board is dissolved and district health authorities are formed. The Guysborough Antigonish Strait Health Authority assumes responsibility for the administration of the hospital.
2015: The Guysborough Antigonish Strait Health Authority is dissolved and all health authorities province wide are amalgamated under one provincially controlled system called the Nova Scotia Health Authority.
Our Hospital on Average:
Service 2018 2019 2020 2021
Births 397 346 312 374
C.T. Scans 5,546 5003 4,982 5,713
Discharges 2,745 3032 2,715 3,092
Emergency Room Visits 19,926 19,724 16,443 19,225
General Surgery 2,598 2,172 2,342 3,196
Lab Visits 40,244 39,917 26,347 31,309
MRI 3,220 2,908 2,329 3,006
Patient Days 27,765 29,827 28,032 30,466
X-Rays 15,812 15,254 10,287 12,877
Total Admissions 2,623 2,856 2,709 3,111
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